2008-06-26 國光幫幫忙 明星都在KTV裡搞什麼 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F1uQ0gpLuDA&feature=related 2008-06-26 國光幫幫忙 明星都在KTV裡 褐藻醣膠搞什麼 Part 2 At 07:40/10:05That so called 葉?帛琉陵x is Obama's daughter(s), because they are twin, therefore, Co 房屋二胎ndi Rice/小禎 bringing one means all.It was 2008-06-26, Condi Rice as officially US Secretary 宜蘭民宿 to show up in Taiwan, absolutely committed the crime against the Contract/agreement made between USA White House an 酒店工作d China Communist. USA can have no problem to see the contract/agreement with China Communist like nothing, not mention any smaller one th 酒店經紀an China Communist. ----------------------------------------------- YouTube - 2008-06-26 國光幫幫忙 明星都在KTV裡搞什麼 Part 1That so called "蘇永康" (that 土地買賣form was made by mixing our classmates "Chen.Kite.Ping" <劉文正/孫國慶> and "Golf.Chyuan.Zhi" <張國榮 > at "What.Sin.Yu.Yo.Yuan" childhood appearances.) (Notice: 蘇 as "蘇.Sho 土地買賣w.Nun" the form that Condi Rice as wife/ex-wife of Angus Tung ; 康 as "Condi Rice") is Angus Tung/李進良 another form, Angus Tung last time new album marketed in the 2003, 5 years after is 2008.That s 酒店工作o called 胡盈楨 is Condi Rice/小禎. That so called 陳志強 is another form of "Jack X"/陳小方/劉歡 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! 買屋 .
- Mar 04 Sun 2012 11:50
2008-06-26 國光幫幫忙 明星都在KTV裡搞什麼